Anja Warzecha Biographie - GALERIE SUPPER is specialized in contemporary art.

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Anja Warzecha

1989         Born in Bochum, Germany
2008 - 14  Studies at painting department, University of Fine Arts and Design Burg Giebichenstein, Halle
                Degree in painting with honours
2012         Semester abroad at Kathmandu University, Centre for Art and Design, Kathmandu, Nepal
Art Awards and Residencies
2023         Cranach-Fellowship, Wittenberg
2022-23    Fellowship Künstlerhaus Meinersen
2020         Fellowship H. u. H. Kaschade Foundation, Stendal
2019         Fellowship Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Kloster Bergesche Foundation
2018         Artist in Residence at Pier 2, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017         Artist in Residence at Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop, supported by Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation
                Fellowship Otmar Alt Foundation
2015-16    Postgraduate Fellowship University of Art and Design, Halle (Saale)
2015         Fellowship Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Kloster Bergesche Foundation
                Studio Grant at Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig
                Artist in Residence at Regenerativverfahren, Kunstverein Frankfurt/Oder
                Artist in Residence at Künstlerbahnhof Ebernburg
2014         Nominee for DEW21 Art Award, Museum for Art and Cultural History, Dortmund
                Artist in Residence at Künstlerhaus im Schlossgarten, Cuxhaven
2013         Artist in Residence, Istanbul Apartmani, Istanbul
2012         DAAD Promos fellowship for studies at Kathmandu University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Solo exhibitions (selection)
2022         Städtische Galerie Eichenmüllerhaus, Lemgo
2021         Kunstverein Marburg
                Junge Kunst Wolfsburg e.V.
2020         Kunstverein Ingolstadt
                GALERIE SUPPER, Baden-Baden (with Tino Geiss)
2019         Kunstverein Biberach
                Kunstverein Wolfenbüttel
                Galerie am Ratswall, Bitterfeld-Wolfen
2018         Pier 2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
                Alte Brüderkirche, Kassel
                Artcelsi Gallery, Seoul, South-Korea
2017         Otmar Alt Foundation, Hamm
                Warte für Kunst, Kassel
2015         Künstlerbahnhof Ebernburg, Bad Kreuznach
                Kunstverein Frankfurt/Oder
2014         Kunstraum Unten, Bochum

Group exhibitions (selection)
2024         GALERIE SUPPER, Baden-Baden I art Karlsruhe, GALERIE SUPPER
2023         GALERIE SUPPER, Baden-Baden I art Karlsruhe, GALERIE SUPPER
2022         GALERIE SUPPER, Baden-Baden I art Karlsruhe, GALERIE SUPPER
2020         salondergegenwart, Hamburg I GALERIE SUPPER, Baden-Baden I POSITIONS Art Fair, Berlin, GALERIE SUPPER I art Karlsruhe, GALERIE SUPPER
2019         Kunsthalle Recklinghausem I GALERIE SUPPER, Baden-Baden I art Karlsruhe, GALERIE SUPPER I Stroke Munich, GALERIE SUPPER
2018         Kunstmuseum Bochum I Halle 14 UG, Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig I Kunstverein Zehntscheuer, Rottenburg
                Kunststiftung des Landes Sachsen Anhalt I Galerie ff15, Leipzig I GALERIE SUPPER, Baden-Baden
2017         City Museum Halle
2016         Jangsu Maeul Museum, Seoul, South Korea, supported by Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation I Namsan Gallery, Seoul, South Korea,
                supported by Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation I Museum of Fine Arts Bochum I Volkspark, Halle
2015         Art-Figura 2015 art award, Schwarzenberg I Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation, Halle I Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig
2014         Museum Art and Cultural History, Dortmund I Künstlerhaus im Schlossgarten, Cuxhaven
2012         Kathmandu Art Council, Kathmandu, Nepal I Galerie Filser + Graef, München
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